Douglass, Richard L2018-03-082018-03-082016-07Douglass, Richard L. (2016) "Economic crisis of opportunity? The ageing of Africa 2015–2050" Ashesi Economics Lecture Series Journal, 1 (2): 3-8ISBN 978 0 9569670 3 9 There is no abstract for this article. What follows is the first paragraph of the paper The purpose of this brief discussion is to highlight issues of demographic changes associated with an ageing population in Africa and what, I believe, must happen to avoid the next social crisis among African nations, especially here in Ghana. However, this is not a discussion of doom, gloom and crisis, because the demographic changes that I will discuss are products of development. These are problems to overcome, for certain, but also opportunities that we hope become part of the current agenda throughout Ghanaian society instead of considered only to be a remote or theoretical concern of the future.en-USAfricademographicsgerontologyageingEconomic crisis of opportunity? The ageing of Africa 2015–2050Article