Agyei-Boahene, Ama Sarpommaa2017-06-052017-06-052013-04 project submitted to the Department of Computer Science, Ashesi University College, in partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science, April 2013The fertiliser subsidy system introduced by the government of Ghana in 2008, was designed to increase crop yield in the country thereby reducing overall food prices. The inefficiencies in the system have however prevented this goal from fully materialising. There has therefore arisen the need for a system that can manage the fertiliser subsidy system. This system must be secure, efficient and allow for accountability. This paper proposes a Fertiliser Subsidy System aided with Web and Mobile technology that is equipped to solve the fertiliser subsidy management problem.enGhanafertilisersubsidyImproving the efficiencey and accountability of the Fertiliser Subsidy Programme in Ghana using technologyOther