Larbi, Lorna Lisa2017-03-242017-03-242010-04 submitted to the Department of Business Administration, Ashesi University College, in partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Science degree in Management Information Systems, April 2010Housing is a one of the most fundamental rights every human being deserves for survival and existence. Every human being in one way or the other has the longing desire to own a home. A country with a healthy environment, good labor force, good infrastructure, good society, affordable and decent housing produces a good urban economy. However, in Ghana, a difficult issue most citizens are facing is the inability to afford or rent decent housing in a decent neighborhood. This study therefore seeks to assess the state of infrastructure, especially roads within the city of Accra and how the state of roads and road networks presently has a huge effect on the real estate industry within the city of Accra. This study was undertaken based on primary and secondary information. Research instruments such as questionnaires, interview guides and focus group discussions were used to gather data. The data was analyzed with tools such as Microsoft Excel, SPSS and Numbers (Macintosh). Recommendations were also made from the research findings. Among these were the enforcement of the laws of the state in accordance with the planning and building regulations by city authorities. This would ensure that the necessary road infrastructure would be provided in the various districts and localities.enGhanahousinginfrastructureroadsAccraThe current situation of roads in Accra and its effects on real estate development (housing) within the cityThesis