Quarcoopome, Jean Nii Odarteye2020-04-062020-04-062019-04http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11988/510Undergraduate thesis submitted to the Department of Business Administration, Ashesi University, in partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration, April 2019[NB: No separate abstract available in document. The following is a brief summary] The objective of this study was to recommend methods by which shoe and clothing retailers in the Accra Mall in Ghana, can adopt the omni-channel model to boost sales and strengthen the customer experience, and to understand the barriers that these type of retailers face in integrating their current retail channels and formats.e-commerceAccra Mallomni-channel shoppingGhanashopping experienceAdopting the omni-channel model: Identifying and recommending methods of adoption to shoe and clothing retailers in the Accra MallThesis