Digber, Ivan Tetteh2017-03-242017-03-242012-04http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11988/97Applied project submitted to the Computer Science, Ashesi University College, in partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science, April 2012This report presents a transit information system which provides information on the Web, via SMS and to Android based mobiles. The system relies on a web hosting service as a backbone, and it aims to facilitate transportation in all locations in which this transit information system is being used by making transit information available to commuters. This system was developed and tested with a network of privately owned vehicles in Ashesi University College in Ghana. A custom designed GPS application which logs its GPS coordinates to a web hosted service was developed for an Android based phone and placed on a vehicle. Users can query information from this web hosted service by installing an application on their Android-based phone, via SMS with any non-GPS enabled cell phone or via the web. Details on Requirements Gathering, System Design, Implementation, Testing and an outline of future work are reported. This system uses the available technology at disposal to provide a solution to the persistent lack of transit information in developing countries.entransit information systemBerekuso"Catch the bus": Facilitating transportation to and from the Ashesi campus in BerekusoApplied Project